WIRE dataset
This dataset consists of 503 pairs of Wikipedia entities drawn from the New York Times dataset with a human assigned relatedness score. The domain experts based their... -
Amazon Network
Network was collected by crawling Amazon website. It is based on Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought feature of the Amazon website. If a product i is frequently...-
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Amazon reviews
This (link to the) dataset contains product reviews and metadata from Amazon, including 142.8 million reviews spanning May 1996 - July 2014. This dataset includes reviews...-
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DBLP Network
The DBLP computer science bibliography provides a comprehensive list of research papers in computer science. This dataset is a co-authorship network constructed upon the DBLP...-
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Facebook - New Orleans regional network
This dataset contains information about 90,269 users and 3,646,662 friendship links between those users. These users belong to the New Orleans Facebook regional network. The...-
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