Reducing radicalizism in social networks by feeds prioritization - Rebalancin...
Code and description of the methodology of the paper "Rebalancing Social Feed to Minimize Polarization and Disagreement" funded by SoBigData ++ -
Digital DNA fingerprinting
The "Digital DNA fingerprinting" is a spambot detection technique based on the "Digital DNA" online behavioral modeling technique. Given a set of Twitter user timelines, it is... -
Polarizing opinion vectors with the Friedkin-Johnsen Model
This code contains two Mathematica notebooks to find the polarizing opinion vectors given the social graph and the nodes’ susceptibility. The notebooks have to be saved in the...-
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Reducing Graph Structural Bias by Adding shortcut edges
Algorithms that tackle the problem of minimizing average/maximum hitting time (BMAH/BMMH) between different social network groups, given fixed shortcut edges. The...-
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Polarized User and Topic Tracking
This method provides an iterative classification of users and keywords in Digital traces of conversations in micro-blogging platforms and in OSNs. The method identifies...-
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Workshopping on social big data and adversarial publics
This report is based on an empirical case study on content moderation, whose objective is to interrogate whether content moderation can be reclaimed by users as a practice...-
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