OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: UDP Mixed Traffic (2 UL, 1 DL) Experiment with T...
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: UDP Mixed Traffic (1 UL, 2 DL) Experiment with T...
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: UDP Uplink Traffic Experiment with Three UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
Telegram data cryptoEN chats
This dataset contains English-language Telegram data focused on discussions related to conspiracy theories and involved in discussions around financial and cryptocurrency... -
Telegram data conspiracyIT chats
This dataset contains Italian-language Telegram chats focused on conspiracy discussions. It was collected using a snowball sampling technique based on message forwarding,... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: TCP Mixed Traffic Experiment with Two UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: TCP Uplink Traffic Experiment with Two UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
Private Reddit Remote Work Dataset
The dataset was collected exclusively from Reddit using the Python library praw [Boe and Payne, 2023]. Posts were extracted from the subreddits remotework, workfromhome, and... -
Air Quality Datasets over L'Aquila Region
These datasets have been collected through ESA, CeTEMPS and ARTA. They are a work-in-progress deliverable of a virtual laboratory (VL-Disaster) in the context of the SoBigData.-
The resource: 'CeTEMPS Dataset up to 2023' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'ARTA AirQuality up to 2023' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'ESA Sentinel 5P NO2 daily ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Map of the area pollutants ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: UDP Downlink Traffic Experiment with Three UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
Telegram data qanonEN chats
This dataset consists of English-language chats involved in conspiracy discussions on Telegram. The data was collected using a snowball crawling technique that leverages... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: TCP Downlink Traffic Experiment with Two UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: UDP Uplink Traffic Experiment with Two UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: UDP Mixed Traffic Experiment with Two UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
OpenAirInterface 5G Dataset: UDP Downlink Traffic Experiment with Two UEs
The dataset comprises logs generated by OpenAirInterface (OAI) at the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer. It consists of a CSV file containing data collected from experiments... -
Wi-Fi Dataset of wireless channel samplings
The dataset was acquired by periodically sampling a wireless channel with Wi-Fi frames. The main goal is to track the evolution of the channel quality by acquiring key...-
The resource: 'SoBigData_Wi-Fi_Dataset' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
Private Superdiversity dataset
The Superdiversity dataset includes the Superdiversity Index (SI) calculated on the diversity of the emotional content expressed in texts of different communities. The... -
Private Origin and destination attachment from Twitter
The cultural integration of immigrants conditions their overall socio-economic integration as well as natives' attitudes towards globalisation in general and immigration in... -
EMAKG: Enhanced Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph
The EMAKG is a large dataset of scientific publications and related entities such as authors, affiliations, venues, and fields of study. Data includes authors' careers and... -
Private Cybersecurity NER dataset
Our dataset is created by merging APTNER and CyNER datasets, containing 13601 sentences, 347779 tokens, and 37684 entities. The split ratio was roughly 70% for training and...