Submarine landslides, detectable on the seabed, outcropping or buried, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Locally... -
Coastal migration via satellite data (0-40k)
Thanks to the public availability of satellite data (optical imagery of ESA Sentinel 2 and NASA Landsat 5, 7 & 8 with pixel resolutions of 10-30 metres and a revisit time of... -
Number of Observations from [02-16-01 01:00] to [11-16-01 01:00] (3D) {World ...
t_dd: Number of Observations (1) in the time range between [02-16-01 01:00] and [11-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 9.0022 months. Number of time instants: 4. Number of...-
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Standard Deviation from Statistical Mean from [02-16-01 01:00] to [11-16-01 0...
t_sd: Standard Deviation from Statistical Mean (degrees Celsius) in the time range between [02-16-01 01:00] and [11-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 9.0022 months. Number of...-
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Estuary - polygons
Relict estuary landform defined as a partially enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it and a free connect to the open... -
Statistical Mean in [07-01-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean Atlas 09: Sea Water Sa...
s_mn: Statistical Mean (1) in the time range between [07-01-01 01:00] and [07-01-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: .0 secs. Number of time instants: 1. Number of Dimensions: 3....-
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Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k Seabed Substrate Map 1:50k
Seabed substrate map of the European marine areas including (e.g. the Baltic Sea, the Greater North Sea, the Celtic Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU...-
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The resource: 'Folk 7-class ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Folk 5-class ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
The resource: 'Folk 16-class ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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Delta - lines
Polyline defining the margin of a former delta. A delta is formed by deposition of sediment transported via river as it enters slower-moving / stagnant body of water such as a... -
Ice thickness from [12-15-02 01:00] to [12-15-09 01:00] (2D) {Native grid ORC...
iicethic: Ice thickness (m) in the time range between [12-15-02 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 7.0008 years. Number of time instants: 85. Number of...-
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Number of Observations from [01-16-01 01:00] to [12-16-01 01:00] (3D) {World ...
s_dd: Number of Observations (1) in the time range between [01-16-01 01:00] and [12-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 11.006 months. Number of time instants: 12. Number of...-
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Number of Observations in [07-01-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean Atlas 09: Sea Wa...
t_dd: Number of Observations (1) in the time range between [07-01-01 01:00] and [07-01-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: .0 secs. Number of time instants: 1. Number of...-
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Submarine Landslides Lines (100k)
Submarine landslides scarps, detected on the seabed, mapped by various national and regional mapping projects and recovered in the literature. Note: blank areas do not...-
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Statistical Mean minus Objectively Analyzed Climatology from [01-16-01 01:00]...
t_oa: Statistical Mean minus Objectively Analyzed Climatology (degrees Celsius) in the time range between [01-16-01 01:00] and [12-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 11.006...-
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Areal Extent of Seagrass Meadows (Essential Ocean Variable)
This layer shows the current known extent of Seagrass meadows in European waters, collated by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. Seagrasses provide essential habitat and nursery areas for...-
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Standard Error of the Statistical Mean from [02-16-01 01:00] to [11-16-01 01:...
t_se: Standard Error of the Statistical Mean (degrees Celsius) in the time range between [02-16-01 01:00] and [11-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 9.0022 months. Number of...-
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Number of Observations from [02-16-01 01:00] to [11-16-01 01:00] (3D) {World ...
t_dd: Number of Observations (1) in the time range between [02-16-01 01:00] and [11-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 9.0022 months. Number of time instants: 4. Number of...-
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Zonal velocity from [12-15-99 01:00] to [12-15-09 01:00] (2D) {Native grid OR...
vozocrtx: Zonal velocity (m s-1) in the time range between [12-15-99 01:00] and [12-15-09 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 10.001 years. Number of time instants: 121. Number of...-
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Statistical Mean from [02-16-01 01:00] to [11-16-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean ...
s_mn: Statistical Mean (1) in the time range between [02-16-01 01:00] and [11-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 9.0022 months. Number of time instants: 4. Number of...-
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Statistical Mean from [01-16-01 01:00] to [12-16-01 01:00] (3D) {World Ocean ...
t_mn: Statistical Mean (degrees Celsius) in the time range between [01-16-01 01:00] and [12-16-01 01:00]. Time interval lenght: 11.006 months. Number of time instants: 12....-
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