Dynamic ecological information management system
Standardised documentation of research sites, datasets, data products and sensors Integration with GEOSS Exposition of data through standardised services (CSW, WFS,... -
Data and metadata generation from semantic annotations
Generation of ISO19139 metadata records from rdf triples convertion of OBOE-based triples to DCAT-AP from DCAT-AP to ISO. This second step can be re-used alone....-
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Pipeline for semantic annotation of relational DB and triples generation
Pipeline for a) the semantic OBOE-based annotation of data managed in (postgreSQL) relational DB and b) the generation of rdf triples. Steps: graph modeling (yEd), data...-
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D4Science Data Analytics
A data analytics platform with the following features: (a) extensibility with respect to supported algorithms, programming “languages” and models, and enactment platforms...-
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OIL-E Open Information Linking for Environmental science research infrastruct...
Captures ENVRI RM as a multi-viewpoint OWL ontology for RI architecture. Permits analysis and comparison of RI characteristics as the foundation for an ENVRI Knowledge Base.... -
Linked open data ingestion and metadata service
Machine to machine ingestion of data objects based on simple metadata profile Minting of ePIC PIDs, DOIs Streaming to trusted repository (iRods, B2SAFE) Creates dynamic...-
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Data Subscription Service
Interface for subscribing to and notifying of identified research data objects Automated processing of queries data on any cloud system -
ENVRIplus Flagship catalogue
Harvest catalogs from RI Mapping and validation by producer Interface for discover metadata