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  • Dataset

    WEIBO interactions

    This dataset is obtained from the 2012 WISE Challenge: built upon the logs of the popular Chinese micro-blog service WEIBO, its interactions represent mentions of users in...
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    Congress Network

    Network built on top of US congress voting data and made available on the website GovTrack.us. Nodes identifies congressman and edges represent the semantic "have supported the...
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  • Dataset

    Facebook Wallpost

    Online interactions between users via the wall feature in the New Orleans regional network.
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  • Experiment

    Micro Project Experiments: Academic Migration and Academic Networks

    The experiments and results material for the micro project titled Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain
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  • Dataset

    Micro Project Datasets: Academic Migration and Academic Networks

    Datasets used and produced for and from the micro project titled: Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain
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  • Method

    Micro Project Methods: Academic Migration and Academic Networks

    Methods used for the micro-project titled: Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain
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  • Method

    GeoSim - Trajectory generator (integration in scikit-mobility)

    GeoSim, proposed by Toole et al. [1], is a mechanistic generative model for human mobility. GeoSim takes into account the social dimension between individuals during the...
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    • text/x-python
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  • Method

    DebtRank Systemic Risk Estimation Method

    The DebtRank algorithm is used to estimate the impact of shocks in financial networks, as it overcomes the limitations of the traditional default-cascade approaches.The method...
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  • Method


    Ndlib is a Network diffusion library that contains a set of models to simulate disease spreading and opinion dynamics.
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