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  • GlossaryTerm

    confirmed case definition

    Term not used in this sector
  • GlossaryTerm

    food intended for special medical purposes

    No definition could be identified for this sector
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    fair data

    Findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable data
  • GlossaryTerm

    identity check

    Term not used in this sector
  • GlossaryTerm


    Quantitative variable or qualitative factor that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement, to reflect the changes connected to activities, or to help assess...
  • GlossaryTerm

    event-based (media-based, digital) surveillance

    Surveillance that complements indicator-based surveillance by continuously scanning the Internet and other communication media to detect information that might lead to the...
  • GlossaryTerm

    health inequalities

    Differences in health status or in the distribution of health determinants between different population groups.
  • GlossaryTerm

    critical control point

    A step at which control can be applied and is essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
  • GlossaryTerm


    A contiguous stretch of DNA sequence that is the result of assembly of multiple overlapping sequence reads into a single consensus sequence. A contig requires a complete tiling...
  • GlossaryTerm

    food safety target

    No definition could be identified for this sector
  • GlossaryTerm


    closeness of estimates to the unknown true values
  • GlossaryTerm

    exposure assessment

    Process of estimating concentration or intensity, duration, and frequency of exposure to an agent that can affect health.
  • GlossaryTerm

    food safety target

    No definition could be identified for this domain
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    gold standard

    A method, procedure, or measurement that is widely accepted as being the best available. Often used to compare with new methods.
  • GlossaryTerm

    hazard-specific (targeted) surveillance

    Surveillance that is focused on one or more pre-defined hazards (disease, condition, biological, chemical or physical agent, or event) often this form of surveillance uses...
  • GlossaryTerm

    descriptive epidemiological analysis

    Data analysis describing the observations. findings are often presented over time and in relation to the metadata collected along side the sample eg. origin, type, animal,...
  • GlossaryTerm

    food or feed import

    The release for free circulation of feed or food or the intention to release feed or food for free circulation within the meaning of Article 79 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 in...
  • GlossaryTerm


    A contaminant is any substance not intentionally added to food which is present in such food as a result of the production (including operations carried out in crop husbandry,...
  • GlossaryTerm

    index case

    Term not used in this sector
  • GlossaryTerm


    Aggregations of relatively uncommon events or diseases in space and/or time in amounts that are believed or perceived to be greater than could be expected by chance.