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  • Method

    MyWay - Trajectory Prediction

    MyWay is a prediction system which exploits the individual systematic behaviors modeled by mobility profiles to predict human movements. MyWay provides three strategies: the...
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    Mobility Profile

    This algorithm allows to create a mobility profile of the users' mobility. A mobility profile is a set of representative trips selected from the entire set of trips of a user.
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    Estimating Collective Wellbeing

    This method estimates the wellbeing of a country by using an alternative measure to GDP. The proposed measure is the average sophistication of the satisfiable needs of a...
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  • Method

    Matlas - Trajectory Builder

    Trajectory Builder is an Algorithm to reconstruct trajectories from spatio-temporal observation according to specific user constraints.
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  • Method

    Ephemerality metric

    https://github.com/HPAI-BSC/ephemerality Code for calculating the ephemerality metrics that can be used to estimate how "ephemeral" discussion topics are based on their...
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  • Method


    Carpooling, i.e., the act where two or more travelers share the same car for a common trip, is one of the possibilities brought forward to reduce traffic and its...
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  • Dataset

    Covid infodemic in Italy -- Most retweeted accounts

    Top 10 most retweeted accounts on Covid-related keywords, between Jan 30 and Mar 20, 2020.
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  • Method

    Distance Calculator

    The program is intended for calculating semantic distances between input texts. As a commandline script it takes a list of tab-separated text pairs (line-per-pair) and returns...
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  • Dataset

    Multi-Task Faces (MTF) dataset

    The Multi-Task Faces (MTF) dataset consists of cropped human faces for classification tasks or other research purposes. Each image in the dataset is labelled according to four...
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  • Method


    Path-aware multi-scale homophily measure for node-attributed complex networks
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  • Method


    Structify_net is a python library allowing to create networks with a predefined structure, and a chosen number of nodes and links.
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Territorial Economic Accounts

    This is part of an initial set of datasets that can be downloaded and analyzed from TA-Analytics. More accurate description of dataset in resources
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Demographic Indicators

    This is part of an initial set of datasets that can be downloaded and analyzed from TA-Analytics. More accurate description of dataset in resources
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  • TerritoriAperti: Dataset

    Business enterprise dataset

    This is part of an initial set of datasets that can be downloaded and analyzed from TA-Analytics. More accurate description of dataset in resources
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Deep Learning Course

    This course developed by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Supercomputing Center provides an applied approach to Deep Learning. It chooses to present an...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Archive Crawling

    Web archives are typically very broad in scope and extremely large in scale. This makes data analysis appear daunting, especially for non-computer scientists. These...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    High Performance and Scalable Analytics Module

    Mining with big data or big data mining has become an active research area. Running current analytical methodologies and software tools on a single personal computer cannot...
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      The resource: 'Introduction to Spark' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Interactive Learning Environments

    King’s College London developed a variety of data science materials based on R and Python. R is a de facto standard in statistical computing and visualisation, while our...
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Archive Spark

    An Apache Spark framework for easy data processing, extraction as well as derivation for archival collections. Originally developed for the use with Web archives, it has now...
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