28 items found

Tags: AGINFRAplusDev

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    DataMiner Process

    Private Crop Simulation For Field V1 in AGINFRAplusDev

    Runs a crop simulation for a single crop parcel. {Published by Rob Knapen (rob.knapen) on 2019/06/11 14:36 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Crop Simulations For Province V1 in AGINFRAplusDev

    Runs WOFOST crop simulations for fields from the AgroDataCube within a Dutch province. {Published by Rob Knapen (rob.knapen) on 2019/06/13 14:00 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Feed Forward A N N Distribution in AGINFRAplusDev

    A Bayesian method using a Feed Forward Neural Network to simulate a function from the features space (R^n) to R. A modeling algorithm that relies on Neural Networks to simulate...
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Crop Simulation For Fields V1 in AGINFRAplusDev

    Runs crop simulations for one or more crop parcels. {Published by Rob Knapen (rob.knapen) on 2019/06/11 15:28 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Fskx Model Runner in AGINFRAplusDev

    This workflow accepts a FSKX file via the VRE and executes it in the DataMiner. {Published by Lars Valentin (lars.valentin) on 2018/10/15 10:43 GMT}
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Dbscan in AGINFRAplusDev

    A clustering algorithm for real valued vectors that relies on the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm. A maximum of 4000 points is...
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Feed Forward Ann in AGINFRAplusDev

    A method to train a generic Feed Forward Artifical Neural Network in order to simulate a function from the features space (R^n) to R. Uses the Back-propagation method. Produces...
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    DataMiner Process

    Private Support Vector Machine Regressor in AGINFRAplusDev

    A simple algorithm for regression using and already trained Support Vector Machine