3 items found

Organisations: SoBigData Literacy Tags: Computing methodologies

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  • ConferencePaper

    Heterogeneous Document Embeddings for Cross-Lingual Text Classification

    Funnelling (Fun) is a method for cross-lingual text classification (CLC) based on a two-tier ensemble for heterogeneous transfer learning. In Fun, 1st-tier classifiers, each...
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  • JournalArticle

    A Critical Reassessment of the Saerens-Latinne-Decaestecker Algorithm

    We critically re-examine the Saerens-Latinne-Decaestecker (SLD) algorithm, a well-known method for estimating class prior probabilities (“priors”) and adjusting posterior...
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  • ConferencePaper

    Boilerplate Removal using a Neural Sequence Labeling Model

    The extraction of main content from web pages is an important task for numerous applications, ranging from usability aspects, like reader views for news articles in web...
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