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Organisations: AgroClimaticModeling_trial Tags: WOFOST

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  • Dataset

    Results of potential production crop simulations for sugarbeet parcels in Dre...

    Results of runs of the WOFOST crop simulation model, simulating potential production for sugarbeet in 2018, for crop parcels within the boundary box of the Dutch province...
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    CROP_SIMULATIONS_FOR_REGION_V1_ID_d56f4583 ec53 4a72 b3f2 4c1ddf8d5530

    Runs WOFOST crop simulations for fields from the AgroDataCube within a user-defined geometry. {Published by Rob Knapen (rob.knapen) on 2019/06/13 14:13 GMT}
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    25 Years of the WOFOST cropping systems model

    The WOFOST cropping systems model has been applied operationally over the last 25 years as part of the MARS crop yield forecasting system. In this paper we provide an updated...
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    Modelling of agricultural production

    This book introduces the reader into the quantitative aspects of agricultural production, as influenced by environmental conditions and management practices. The aim is to...
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