23 items found

Licenses: Other (Non-Commercial) Organisations: SoBigData Catalogue

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  • Application


    WAT is an entity linker, namely a tool that identifies meaningful substrings (called "spots") in an unstructured English text and link each of them to the unambiguous entity...
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  • Method

    Privacy Risk on Sociometer

    This method provides a Privacy Risk Assessment on CDR data, aggregated through the presence vectors used by the Sociometer.
    • PDF
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    • TXT
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    • jar
      The resource: 'RiskEvaluation.jar' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    UCR Time Series Classification Archive

    The archive contains many interesting datasets, including a gesture dataset featuring the same two actors, but recorded 16 years apart! (we are nothing if not patient!). The...