49 items found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Organisations: SoBigData Catalogue

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  • Method

    GATE Cloud Hate and Abuse Detection

    A service that tags abusive utterances in any text with the type of abuse (sexist, racist, etc.) and whether the abuse was aimed at the addressee or some other party. This can...
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  • Method

    French Named Entity Recognizer

    This method is a named entity recognition service for documents in French. Based on ANNIE, it identifies names of persons, locations, and organizations.
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  • Method

    Open NLP Dutch Pipeline

    This method is the Dutch tokeniser, sentence splitter, POS tagger, phrase chunker and named-entity recogniser from Apache OpenNLP.
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  • Method

    DecarboNet German Environmental Annotator

    The DecarboNet environmental annotation service identifies named entities, environmental terms, and sentiment in social media texts in German language.
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  • Method

    Annie Plus Measurements

    This method allows the annotation of named entities (person, location, organization, date) as well as the numbers and measurement expressions. Default Annotations are: Address,...
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud Stance Classification (English)

    Service that processes threads of short English-language texts such as tweets or forum postings and attempts to determine the stance (support, deny, question or comment) of...
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud Offensive Language Classifier

    Classifies short texts such as Tweets based on whether they contain offensive language
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  • Method

    PlayeRank evaluation framework

    The problem of evaluating the performance of soccer players is attracting the interest of many companies and the scientific community, thanks to the availability of massive...
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  • Method

    GATE Cloud Chemical Entity Recogniser

    This service annotates chemical named entities using the open source OSCAR4 tagger. As well as the names of the detected entities the tagger also returns their structure in...
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