90 items found

Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Types: Method

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    Private Human-agent coordination in a group formation game

    Coordination and cooperation between humans and autonomous agents in cooperative games raise interesting questions on human decision making and behaviour changes. Here we report...
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    The Propagation of Misinformation in Social Media

    There is growing awareness about how social media circulate extreme viewpoints and turn up the temperature of public debate. Posts that exhibit agitation garner...
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    How to Make Meme Collections

    How to guide to make meme collections by querying and extracting memes from four key sites: the meme database Know Your Meme, the web search engine Google Images, the meme...
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    What is a meme, technically speaking?

    This contribution seeks to demonstrate how studying memes as a collection depends on the website or platform where they are sourced. To do so, we compare how memes,...
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    Private PHIS API documentation

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    Private FSK Model Generator

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    Private Breeding API documentation

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    Private yet another test item

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    Private WOFOST crop simulation model - single predefined run

    An example DataMiner algorithm that performs a single crop simulation run using an archive file that contains all required input parameters.
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    Private DataMiner WPS Access Notebook

    A Python notebook that demonstrates how a DataMiner algorithm can be accessed and run using the Web Processing Services (WPS) interface.