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Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Types: Method

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    Carpooling, i.e., the act where two or more travelers share the same car for a common trip, is one of the possibilities brought forward to reduce traffic and its...
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    Reducing Graph Structural Bias by Adding shortcut edges

    Algorithms that tackle the problem of minimizing average/maximum hitting time (BMAH/BMMH) between different social network groups, given fixed shortcut edges. The...
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  • Method

    Analysis of GPS data to assess changes in mobility routines during the COVID-...

    Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, have dramatically influenced our everyday behaviour. In this experiment, we...
  • Method

    Visualizing the Results of Boolean Matrix Factorizations

    We provide a method to visualize the results of Boolean Matrix Factorization algorithms. Our method can also be used to visualize overlapping clusters in bipartite graphs. The...
  • Method

    Injury forecaster for soccer players

    An algorithm to forecast the injuries of soccer players given their training workload
  • Method

    Relationship between External and Internal Workloads in Soccer Players

    The use of machine learning (ML) in soccer allows for the management of a large amount of data deriving from the monitoring of sessions and matches. Although the rate of...
  • Method

    GeoSim - Trajectory generator (integration in scikit-mobility)

    GeoSim, proposed by Toole et al. [1], is a mechanistic generative model for human mobility. GeoSim takes into account the social dimension between individuals during the...
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    Human Mobility Data Privacy Risk Estimator

    This method is a fast and flexible approach to estimate privacy risk in human mobility data. The idea is to train classifiers to capture the relation between individual...
  • Method

    Urban Mobility Atlas

    The framework provides a visual interface to a series of analytical processes for the comprehension of human mobility patterns. The framework is feeded with a series of models...
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    Generating Synthetic Mobility Networks with Generative Adversarial Networks

    The increasingly crucial role of human displacements in complex societal phenomena, such as traffic congestion, segregation, and the diffusion of epidemics, is attracting the...
  • Method

    Estimating countries' peace index with GDELT

    We use news media attention from the Global Data of Events, Location and Tone (GDELT) database, as a proxy for estimating Global Peace Index (GPI), to complement the knowledge...
  • Method

    XAI Method for explaining time-series

    LASTS is a framework that can explain the decisions of black box models for time series classification. The explanation consists of factual and counterfactual rules revealing...
  • Method


    The Sociometer is an analytical framework based on data mining methods that analizes users’ call habits, and classifies people into behavioral categories, among residents,...
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    Origin Destination Matrix Computation

    This method provides the sql-postgis query to calculate the Origin-Destination matrix starting from a geometry table and a set of GPS trajectories. This kind of matrix, which...
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    Event Attendance Prediction using Twitter

    An event classification package.
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    Matlas - TClustering

    Ordering points to identify the clustering structure (OPTICS) is an algorithm for finding density-based clusters in spatial data. Its basic idea is similar to DBSCAN, but it...
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    Polarized User and Topic Tracking

    This method provides an iterative classification of users and keywords in Digital traces of conversations in micro-blogging platforms and in OSNs. The method identifies...
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    Estimation of Resting Heart Rate circadian rhythm

    Wrist-worn wearable devices equipped with heart rate (HR) sensors have become increasingly popular. The ability to correctly interpret the collected data is fundamental to...
  • Method

    Changes of mobility routines during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, have dramatically influenced our everyday behaviour. This method allows to...
  • Method

    Exploration of time use by citizens based on their movement tracks

    This resource consists of a visual analytics framework and a set of supporting tools for deriving place meaning and reconstructing personal mobility diaries from episodic...
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