8 items found

Organisations: SoBigData Catalogue Formats: ZIP Groups: Societal Debates and Misinformation

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  • Experiment

    Annotazione semantica di delibere comunali

    Progetto POC per l'uso delle tecniche di text mining su documenti della pubblica amministrazione per migliorare la trasparenza e l’accesso alle informazioni da parte dei...
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    • ZIP
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  • Dataset

    y/Politics 1k

    Social simulation data generated using Y Social focused on political-related topics. Y Social is a Digital Twin of an online social media platform that allows researchers to...
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  • Dataset

    Reddit Echo Chamber dataset

    In a digital environment, the term echo chamber refers to an alarming phenomenon in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication repetition inside a closed...
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  • Dataset

    Twitter Newcomers Dataset

    Twitter accounts detected right after registration and monitored for 21 days
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  • Method

    Ephemerality metric

    https://github.com/HPAI-BSC/ephemerality Code for calculating the ephemerality metrics that can be used to estimate how "ephemeral" discussion topics are based on their...
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  • Dataset

    Covid infodemic in Italy -- Most retweeted accounts

    Top 10 most retweeted accounts on Covid-related keywords, between Jan 30 and Mar 20, 2020.
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  • Method

    Distance Calculator

    The program is intended for calculating semantic distances between input texts. As a commandline script it takes a list of tab-separated text pairs (line-per-pair) and returns...
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