245 items found

Groups: sobigdata-eu

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  • Experiment

    Minimizing Hitting Time between Disparate Groups with Shortcut Edges

    Experiments on real-world datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithms proposed in paper...
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  • Experiment

    Self-Rated Health Among Italian Immigrants Living in Norway: A Cross-Sectiona...

    Most of the respondents (69%) rated their Health as “good” or “very good”. This figure was not significantly different with the Norwegian population, nor to the Italians...
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    Private Epidemics Simulation Recovery

    The computation of Graph Epidemics Simulation Recovery performs a simulation of SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, Recovered) dynamics on a graph using the shortest path...
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    Private Workshopping on social big data and aversarial publics

    This is the report on the micro-project entitled “Workshopping on social big data and adversarial publics” carried out by CNRS. In this microproject, we propose to re-evaluate...