Volleyball-specific skills and cognitive functions can discriminate the level...
The aim of this study was to investigate whether volleyball-specific skills, physical performance, and general cognitive functions differ between players of different... -
Validation of the Deep Gravity model
We conducted experiments on mobility flows in England, Italy, and New York State to show that Deep Gravity achieves a significant increase in performance, especially in... -
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Physical Activity Levels and Perceived Changes in the Context of Intra-EEA Mi...
As mobility within the European Economic Area (EEA) is on the rise, it is important to understand migrants’ health-related behaviors (such as physical activity [PA]) within... -
The Case Study of Deepfakes [Video Tutorial]
The video tutorial discusses the case study of deepfakes to present how to perform Visual Media Analysis for Online Discourses. The tutorial includes: research questions;... -
Using Computer Vision Techniques to Study Images from the Web [Video Tutorial]
The video tutorial discusses using computer vision techniques to study online images, including case studies, research methods, challenges faced, and lessons learned. -
Visual Media analysis for Online Discourses [Video Tutorial]
The video tutorial introduces the concept of the "metapicture" for the visual media analysis of online discourses and explains various analysis techniques: Visual Similarity,... -
Analysing Meme Collections with the Computer Vision Network Approach [Video T...
The video tutorial presents techniques for analysing meme collections with the computer vision network approach, including seven steps for network building and interpretation,... -
Making meme collections [Video Tutorial]
The video tutorial discusses making meme collections, including the meme as a technical collection of objects, automated visual analysis, and meme collection distinctiveness. -
Label flipping attacks in Federated Learning
The following experiments showcase Federated Learning using Scikit-learn.-
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Membership Inference Attacks on ML Models
This collection of Jupyter notebooks implements membership inference attacks found in Salem et al. "ML-Leaks: Model and Data Independent Membership Inference Attacks and...