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Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Types: JournalArticle Organisations: SoBigData Literacy

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    International mobility between the UK and Europe around Brexit: a data-driven...

    Among the multiple effects of Brexit, changes in migration and mobility across Europe were expected. Several studies have analysed these aspects, mostly from the point of view...
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    Academic mobility from a big data perspective

    Understanding the careers and movements of highly skilled people plays an ever-increasing role in today’s global knowledge-based economy. Researchers and academics are sources...
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    Where do migrants and natives belong in a community: a Twitter case study and...

    Today, many users are actively using Twitter to express their opinions and to share information. Thanks to the availability of the data, researchers have studied behaviours...
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    Origin and destination attachment: study of cultural integration on Twitter

    The cultural integration of immigrants conditions their overall socio-economic integration as well as natives’ attitudes towards globalisation in general and immigration in...
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    Measuring the Salad Bowl: Superdiversity on Twitter

    Superdiversity refers to large cultural diversity in a population due to immigration. In this paper, we introduce a superdiversity index based on the changes in the emotional...
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    Combining Twitter and Mobile Phone Data to Observe Border-Rush: The Turkish-E...

    Following Turkey's 2020 decision to revoke border controls, many individuals journeyed towards the Greek, Bulgarian, and Turkish borders. However, the lack of verifiable...
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    Attention dynamics on the Chinese social media Sina Weibo during the COVID-19...

    COVID-19 was first detected in Hubei province of China and has had severe impact on the life in the country since then. We investigate how this epidemic has influenced...
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    Human migration the big data perspective

    How can big data help to understand the migration phenomenon? In this paper, we try to answer this question through an analysis of various phases of migration, comparing...
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    Algorithmic Decision Making Based on ML from Big Data. Can Transparency Resto...

    Decision-making assisted by algorithms developed by machine learning is increasingly determining our lives. Unfortunately, full opacity about the process is the norm. Would...
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    The limits of differential privacy and its misuse in data release and machine...

    Differential privacy (DP) is a neat privacy definition that can co-exist with certain well-defined data uses in the context of interactive queries. However, DP is neither a...
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    Spatio temporal visual analytics a vision for 2020s

    Visual analytics is a research discipline that is based on acknowledging the power and the necessity of the human vision, understanding, and reasoning in data analysis and...
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    Machine Learning Explainability Via Microaggregation and Shallow Decision Trees

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is being deployed in missions that are increasingly critical for human life. To build trust in AI and avoid an algorithm-based authoritarian...
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    Fair Transparent and Accountable Algorithmic Decision making Processes

    The Premise, the Proposed Solutions, and the Open Challenges The combination of increased availability of large amounts of fine-grained human behavioral data and advances in...
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    Volleyball-Specific Skills and Cognitive Functions Can Discriminate Players o...

    Formenti, D, Trecroci, A, Duca, M, Vanoni, M, Ciovati, M, Rossi, A, and Alberti, G. Volleyball-specific skills and cognitive functions can discriminate players of different...
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    Interpretable socioeconomic status inference from aerial imagery through urba...

    Urbanization is a great challenge for modern societies, promising better access to economic opportunities, but widening socioeconomic inequalities. Accurately tracking this...
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    Evaluating local explanation methods on ground truth

    Evaluating local explanation methods is a difficult task due to the lack of a shared and universally accepted definition of explanation. In the literature, one of the most...
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    Explanation in artificial intelligence. Insights from the social sciences

    There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to provide more transparency to their algorithms....
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    A public data set of spatio-temporal match events in soccer competitions

    Soccer analytics is attracting increasing interest in academia and industry, thanks to the availability of sensing technologies that provide high-fidelity data streams for...
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    Grounds for Trust. Essential Epistemic Opacity and Computational Reliabilism

    Several philosophical issues in connection with computer simulations rely on the assumption that results of simulations are trustworthy. Examples of these include the debate...
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    Fair Prediction with Disparate Impact A Study of Bias in Recidivism Predictio...

    Recidivism prediction instruments (RPIs) provide decision-makers with an assessment of the likelihood that a criminal defendant will reoffend at a future point in time....
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